why did solid snake kill venom snake

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Liquid therefore held a strong resentment towards Solid and wished to defeat him in combat, reclaiming what he felt was his birthright, and thus proving his superiority. The REAL BB HAD to give Snake that mission in order to FULFILL his (BB) role as Foxhound Commander, so the US and the Patriots would be none the wiser. Venom Snake's heart rate. The only retcon is just that Big Boss didn't randomly survive getting killed in the first game, his double died for him. Venom Snake (, Venomu Sunku) makes a minor appearance in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes as an unnamed combat medic and then throughout Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain as the player character also known as Punished Snake (, Panishudo Sunku). Venom Snake and Quiet sharing a tender moment in the rain. Snake then engages in a series of missions in Afghanistan and Central Africa as he and Kazuhira Miller seek revenge for lost comrades and pursues the Cipher organization. RELATED: Sony Should Not Buy Metal Gear or Final Fantasy IP, Says Analyst. Putting in danger his whole operation. During this time, his health declined as his body entered a state of accelerated aging due to intentional genetic changes made during the cloning process. Ento, quando ele mata Venom Snake no final do MG1, ele pensa que matou Big Boss que estava comandando Outer Heaven o tempo todo. The medic shields Big Boss from the blast and the two men survive the crash, but the medic ends up losing his left arm while fragments of bones and teeth are buried within his body, including a large piece of shrapnel lodged within his cerebral cortex. Metal Gear Solid 6 is not known to be in development. hahaha, but seriously. this has ALWAYS been my interpretation. This could be anything from a time period and event which contradicts another, a game taking place in between retcons and the events become muddied, or a game taking place so far out that it's not a problem but becomes a problem for its connection to Metal Gear Solid. What Is The Evolutionary Purpose Of Boredom? Venom Snake's unique role in the Metal Gear Solid universe creates a big problem should Konami ever proceed with a new mainline entry. But, as it turns out, snakes did not . Pretty much Big Boss thought Venom could handle Solid. Gallery The Medic in Ground Zeroes. / Solid Snake: You don't mean / Liquid Snake: That's right. Another cause of Venom Snake's transformation is the presence of demon-like entities such as the Demon Skulls and the Phantom Rabbits. We actually don't know the details. The revelation that Venom Snake is Big Boss doesn't necessarily change the overarching story, instead fitting in quite nicely, but it does add more to it. He relives her death in gruesome detail until he wakes up . Solid really surpassed the man himself expectations. Ishmael is a new character in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Its not about changing the world. Which snake bite kills fastest? Of course, Solid Snake ends up destroying almost entirely the whole operation. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Do bull snakes have teeth? It doesn't make sense. He and his phantom were working together during MG1. [16] PC Gamer's Samuel Roberts called the revelation of Snake's identity "one perfect moment in a bad story", and thought that the twist worked on a literal level, making the medic a "tragic and unsettling" figure whose only meaningful relationship is with a woman (Quiet) who thinks he is Big Boss. It doesn't benefit Big Boss' plan at all to have Venom and the vast majority of his men killed and Outer Heaven destroyed alongside the Metal Gear that was being developed whereas, assuming Ocelot tells Big Boss of Miller's plan to use Snake against him, it does benefit him if his son's either killed in the line of duty or kept busy with what should've been an intel gathering assignment, which doubly benefits Big Boss by having him look like he's doing something about the mysterious Outer Heaven to his own superiors whilst secretly trying to protect it. Venom is the leader of Outer Heaven, the only "nation" (if you will) with nukes at the time, so he (Big Boss) needs to send soldiers to disarm and destroy the base, because if he didn't it would be suspicious. How Much Venom Does It Take To Kill A Sea Snake? This demonic appearance is accentuated by Snake's belt, which resembles a tail. +90 - Kill a Diamond Dogs staff member held hostage. Solid Snake (Japanese: , Hepburn: Soriddo Sunku) is a fictional character from the Metal Gear series created by Hideo Kojima and developed and published by Konami.He is depicted as a former Green Beret and highly skilled special operations soldier engaged in solo stealth and espionage missions, who is often tasked with destroying models of the bipedal nuclear . Yet people often have a poor understanding of how it works and there are endless myths about antivenom killing more people than the snake venom itself. Snake ultimately comes face to face with XOF's leader Skull Face, as well as the traitorous Huey Emmerich and the leader of a child mercenary group, Eli. Solid Snake did it under US Goverment orders, and out of principle. Naked Snake gets set on fire by Solid Snake, Liquid Snake dies of a virus, and Solidus Snake is killed by his adopted son. I should have been in charge of that operation. He goes from a rookie, to a PTSD riddled wreck, to a genuine hero who overcomes his demons and forges a good life for himself. Copyright 2023 Reptile Questions. Big Boss, despite turning out to do something good by going against the Patriots, was still a fallen man courtesy to PW & V for giving us an expanded and in depth story of what happened to BB and got worse after the Outer Heaven Uprising. These holes disturb the smoothly co-ordinated contraction of the heart muscles. #3 SPIGOT Sep 22, 2015 @ 12:42am Liquid is more or less quite bitter about his identity being what he believes is a genetically inferior version of his father and his cloned brother. It could have been Venom acting alone, only for Big Boss to come in at the end to rescue the people. [MGSV 4][1], Venom Snake is distinguished from the original Big Boss by his bionic left arm, the numerous facial scars, and the shrapnel "horn" protruding from the right side of his forehead. In 1984, Skull Face had Quiet deployed to Afghanistan where she was tasked with eliminating Soviet officers who were against the development of Metal Gear Sahelanthropus. To me it just doesn't add up. YouTube Video: A:xus - When I Fall (Stryke's Blue Vocal Techsture) Views: 6,350 2000. Present methods of treatment are very costly and have numerous side effects. This may be explained because the snakes knowthat their venom wont necessarily provide an advantage in the fight, so they conserve it and use their brute strength to win. Not really the other way around. In the scheme of things: you're obsessing over hollow words; find the meaning in them. He first appears as the central antagonist in the original Metal Gear Solid, where he leads the rogue FOXHOUND . All conflict occurring in MGS stems from a group of people trying to interpret and enforce the will of a person they never truly knew - this is where Venom screwed up, and like every villain in MGS; this is what got him killed. After that came the Doomsday arc, where Quackity tried to take over L'manburg. Not much of an assasination if the victim knows everything, right? You're right, which supports the other popular theory that the truth ending was just a lie and there's something greater being played to us. The US demanded FoxHound to send in another agent right away to investigate. Even so, the fear of being bitten by a poisonous snake still runs rampant through global cultures, because we have heard about or seen the terrible and fast-moving effects that snake venom can have on a body (Hollywood has made sure were aware of the power of snake venom!). Is Solid Snake dead? However, looking at the games as a franchise alone without the real-world concerns, another big problem rears its head. Even being as conservative as possible, there's at least 40+ retcons in the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Konami controlling the battlefield pretending Kojima doesn't exist. Why did Big Boss train Solid Snake? How Did Skull Face Kill Venom Snake? You can speculate at that point if Big Boss even cared why he originally did it or if removing them for the sake of having the kind of world he wanted was maybe something that he did in 2 and maybe even all along in 1. it's a very fascinating thought when it comes to how Big Boss moved and what he accomplished in his life(ALOT). Tanker episode: Solid Snake is sent by a tip from Ocelot (who is working for the Patriots, pretending to be Liquid) to the tanker. With this in mind, many scholars now suspect she used a pin dipped in some form of potent toxin - snake venom or otherwise. Why Was Solid Snake Sent In Here To Kill Us? "[15][self-published source] Chris Carter of Destructoid said that Venom Snake made sense within the context of the series, as the games have "always dabbled in the concept of 'the legend' being stronger than the actual person", but was disappointed that the game's ending was not a remake of the original Metal Gear, featuring Sutherland as Venom Snake and Hayter as Solid Snake. He further felt that the twist caused the story to become "hollow" and lacking in closure as a result of the "rehash[ing]" of missions during the game's second half and its "slapped in" ending. Venom Snake was initially a project Zero created in order to help Big Boss stay under XOF's radar. Why would Big Boss send Solid Snake to kill and destroy his own base and his second best in command? With his body destroyed in the subsequent explosion, the real Big Boss used these events to fake his death and go underground. [19], Kiefer Sutherland received praise for his performance as Venom Snake,[18][20][21] although some critics were bemused by the minimal dialogue spoken by the character throughout the game, calling it "strange",[22] "suspicious",[23] and "positively jarring". Of that 10-15%, a very small portion are actually dangerous to humans. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. [MGSV 6] Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake had an in-game rumor about Big Boss rebuilt with cybernetic parts after being mortally wounded during the previous game's final encounter;[MGSV 7] this explanation was used for Big Boss' survival in the Metal Gear Solid 4 Database,[MGSV 8] although it has since been retconned with the release of The Phantom Pain. If possible try to get a picture of the snake or remember what it looked like for ID. Are Giant Insects Larger Than Humans Possible? ScienceABC participates in the Amazon The blue-ringed octopodes (Hapalochlaena spp.) Nothing is known about who is the leader since Outer Heaven wasn't supposed to have been outed or have any info lead back to them. Are the Big Bosses truly as genius as Ocelot? As commander of FOXHOUND Big Boss needs to play his role while, also, playing behind the scenes. You'd figure at some point he'd try to kill him to get him out of the way but who knows. Big Boss then has to send in someone else but simply sends in Solid Snake thinking he is rookie enough to get killed only to advance far enough to discover Outer Heaven's plans and the mastermind.. Big Boss! Metal Gear Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. While cats aren't natural prey for snakes, snakes are opportunists who will eat small mammals. After all, the snake is slithering around with a bunch of venom inside, right? Furthermore, some snakes are susceptible to large concentrations of their own venom, as theyve only developed tolerance to handle a low level of exposure. Separating the two (Venom Snake and Big Boss) in the franchise is actually somewhat difficult, with many of Big Boss' "former" accomplishments actually being "attributed" to Venom Snake. During an unspecified time period, he is shown receiving Big Boss' cassette tape, with one side labelled "Operation Intrude N313" which he plays on a Sony BitCorder device connected to a HiTBiT MSX2 computer; the timeline establishes that he would die fighting against Solid Snake in Outer Heaven. John Staughton is a traveling writer, editor, publisher and photographer who earned his English and Integrative Biology degrees from the University of Illinois. There are nearly 3,000 different species of snakes in the world, and more than 10% of these are venomous. "Solid Snake is sent on a mission that involves killing the commanding officer of Outer Haven and he kills him" And we have a classic twist: "Except he wasn't the actual commander." This gets complicated when Continue Reading 53 More answers below Benjamin Mays Keep the injury below your heart - do not elevate. How Do Bug Sprays (Like Raid and Baygon) Kill Cockroaches? It was Snake's first mission so he figured he'd just get killed. Solid Snake kills Big Boss at the end of the first game, but now it turns out to be Venom Snake. [24], Ryan Gilliam of Polygon included Venom Snake as one of the best video game characters of the 2010s, writing he was "one of the more complex characters in all of Metal Gear [] The Big Boss character lost a lot with the switch from series regular David Hayter to celebrity voice talent Kiefer Sutherland. First appearing in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Snakes first big mission is to eliminate the woman who trained him, The Boss, and destroy the progenitor to the Metal Gear walking tank, the Shagohod. Just like the theory of venom being best friends with big boss forever, despite the fact that big boss ruined his life. You were sent in here to kill us so they could retrieve Metal Gear undamaged along with the bodies of the genome soldiers. Naked Snake, however, is the original Snake: Big Boss. Both Venom Snake and Ahab were involved in an incident that resulted in the loss of their limbs, Venom Snake's left arm and Ahab's left leg respectively. Come The Phantom Pain, however, and it turns out that Big Boss never came because Snake actually killed Venom, not Big Boss. It is distinguished by the metal shard in Venom Snake's head growing significantly to resemble a horn. The only moment that Venom actually has a chance to step outside of Patriot control and go off-script is after he's listened to the tape, after Snake is already on his way to kill him. The expert speaks! Digestive System (Photo Credit: ellepigrafica Fotolia) class=wp-image-7002 height=505 src=https://www.scienceabc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Fotolia_79078259_Subscription_Monthly_M.jpg width=357/> Simple Digestive System (Photo Credit: ellepigrafica Fotolia). Venom is only a distraction, a puppet; he only had one purpose, being a bait and a distraction. Its about respecting the will of others, and believing in your own. However, there is one Snake introduced in Metal Gear Solid 5. Instead, he was the one processing. Unsurprisingly, left untreated, this form of venom toxicity can cause death soon after you've been stung. Why Dont All Bisexual Plants Produce Self-Fertilized Fruits? Snake used Venom Snake's death to fake his own death and escape the exploding fortress, and Big Boss was killed as a result. Fictional character from the Metal Gear series. All Activity My Activity Streams Members I Follow Also, while they are immune to their own venom, specimens from the same species could have slightly different venom compositions and kill each other. Afterward, he becomes the real Snake's "phantom," and he is the one who is killed by Solid Snake in Outer Heaven a decade later.

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why did solid snake kill venom snake